Research and Design at Guascor

The Guascor Group, within its commitment to continuous improvement and the implementation of new technologies, has created its own research and investigation center: Guascor I+D.

In operation since September 1996 and located in the Technological Park of Alava, Guascor I+D is the engineering headquarters for the Guascor Group as well as the test center for alternative engines and cogeneration sets.

Guascor I+D has 22 engine test benches equipped with hydraulic brakes, gearboxes for 1,800rpm, alternators, resistance cells, and electronics’ lab among other capabilities. This center studies and analyzes the combustion processes and emissions on gas and diesel engines. Guascor I+D performs endurance tests; determines maintenance periods and procedures; and most importantly evaluates engine behavior, analyzing the behavior of its components and adequacy of lubrication oils.

One of the most relevant pieces of equipment present at Guascor I+D is a gas chromatograph. This accurately continually measures the richness of the gas mixes that are being fueled to the different gensets, in this way we can obtain these mixtures’ performance index for Guascor engines.

Computer simulation

At the test center the engines are subjected to rigorous computer simulated analysis. The generated data is used to optimize engine design which allows Guascor to achieve a longer working life and a more efficient operation.

Integrated design management

Guascor I+D has implemented a new integrated design management methodology. This methodology is based on one of the most advanced CAD tools and stress analysis for finite elements and from its database it manages more than 4,000 tri-dimensional engine components.

Nowadays, the Guascor Group’s research and development center for gas and diesel engines is considered to be one of the most advanced in the world.