The term Cogeneration is used to define the process which simultaneously generates electrical energy and useful calorific (and/or frigorific) energy through the use of gaseous or diesel fuel. The simultaneous use of the produced electricity and heat by the cogeneration plant allows us to make the most of the fuel’s energetic potential.

The cogeneration systems developed by Guascor are an efficient alternative to traditional systems that use a national or regional electric grid to obtain electricity in one side, and generate heat in boilers on the other.

A Guascor cogeneration solution is highly recommended for those applications where both electricity and heat are necessary; such as greenhouses, hospitals, wastewater plants, diverse industrial processes, etc… The total energy production offered by these gaseous or diesel cogeneration systems could more than double the energy obtained by the electrical generating capability of the engine alone.

For users this can be translated into a significant reduction in energy costs.

Advantages of Cogeneration
  • Reduction in energy costs for the user
  • Independence from a national or regional grid and an assured supply of energy
  • Better balance between supply and demand of energy
  • Greater environmental protection:
    • The cogeneration plants with Guascor
    • engines comply with the strictest
    • environmental regulations
    • Higher efficiency in the use of the available energy
    • Reduction of need for transportation and distribution of energy
Some common uses for the different energetic outcomes of a Guascor cogeneration engine are, on one side electricity and on the other:
  • Hot air
  • Hot water
  • Steam
  • Air conditioning
  • Chilled water

Industries in which cogeneration is used:
  • Chemical processes which require heat and cold
  • Agro-food industry
  • Ceramic and dehydration industry
  • Treatment of waste waters at purifying stations
  • Hospitals, hotels, sports centers, swimming pools and shopping centers
  • Energy recovery from:
    • anaerobic digestion in livestock farms
    • landfill sites
    • sewage plants